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中美教育研究协会是美国弗吉尼亚大学教育学院的中国校友共同发起并创办的一个非营利性社会组织。该组织的前身是 2014 年的一个 9 人微信群。当时还在纽约长岛大学担任教育心理学助理教授的邓婷·博延顿博士不时收到中美两国教育者有关中美教育方面的咨询。看到中美双方都这么渴求了解彼此,邓博士就创建了一个微信群。此微信群最初取名为“中美教育合作平台”。邓博士当初创建这个微信群的初衷非常简单,就是为了提供一个平台方便中美两国的教育者直接交流对话,互相咨询,互相了解,互相分享,互相学习与互相合作。随着人数的不断增加,有人建议邓博士将此群在纽约正式注册为一个非盈利性的学术组织,改名为“中美教育研究协会”。同年 7 月 4 日-5 日,中美教育研究协会首届年会在南京召开。在短短的一年多时间里,协会的发展及影响迅速扩大, 从一个小小的 9 人微信群体发展成为具有一定国际影响力的教育组织。协会现有成员近 400 名,其中包括中小学教师,大学教授,及留学生等。协会总部设在美国纽约,分部设在中美各大城市。

Initiated by several U.Va. Chinese alumni educators, S-AERA is a nonprofit organization devoted to advancing comparative educational research and collaboration between the U.S. and China. S-AERA originally tarted as a 9-person WeChat group including both Chinese and American educators who were very curious and interested in learning about and collaborating with each other. The initial WeChat group was reated as a platform for educators in both countries to know, to share with, to learn from, and to collaborate with each other. As the group continued to grow, Someone suggested that we should register it as an official non-profit organization in New York, this was how the Sino-American Educational Research Association was founded. That summer (July 4 th -5 th ), the S-AERA held its first conference in Nanjing, China. Currently, S-AERA has almost 400 members and it is a consortium of K-12 teachers, university professors, school administrators, and international students. The S-AERA headquarters is located in New York City, with many offices located at different cities in both the U.S. and China.